Real Property Management East San Gabriel Valley

What You Can Do To Prevent Ants From Entering Your Home

Its better to know how to prevent ants than to have to search all over the internet on how to get rid of them. We’ve all at some point dealt with bugs in our lives, and its no fun at all. In order to prevent any type of problem, we need to get a deeper understanding on the problem itself first.

Lets learn a little bit about ants to understand how and why they come around in the first place. Ants are known to commonly live outside in the ground, hills and/or nests. Often, the six-legged workers emerge from winter season where they’ve spent their time hibernating until temperatures rise. You’re bound to see ants (sent out out by colonies and their Queen) between Spring and Autumn, this is the time for them to look for food and water.

Ants leave a scent trail for themselves and other ants. They also call out for other ants when you kill one or when you “squish” a bunch at once.  So now, back to the question: what can you do to  prevent ants in your apartment or home?

Maintain Cleanliness

First things first, you have to make sure that you’re not playing any part with the infestation by unintentionally inviting them. Here are a few tips with how to keep your place clean daily:

 **If you have food in a plastic package, hold up one end of the bag to get the grains to the bottom. Check for white threads in the corner of the bag, these can be a sign of larvae infestation. 

Dry Up

Seal Up


Now this is not to say that ants or other critters won’t appear. These are just a few ways to help lower your chances of coming across ants. If they do appear, do look into professional pest control.



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